School Closed- Remote learning day!

For a successful one-day remote learning experience due to school closure, consider these tips:


  1. Review the Schedule: Make sure you and your child are aware of the day's timetable, including live sessions and independent work times.

  2. Check Technology: Ensure all devices are charged and functioning properly, and that you have access to the necessary platforms like ClassDojo.

  3. Communicate with Teachers: Reach out early if you have questions about the day's assignments or need clarification on any tasks.

  4. Minimize Distractions: Even though it's just for a day, treat it like a regular school day by limiting distractions and keeping the learning environment quiet and focused.

  5. Stay Engaged: Encourage your child to actively participate in any virtual classes and to reach out to peers for collaborative work if applicable.

  6. Take Breaks: Incorporate short breaks to keep your child refreshed and attentive.

  7. Provide Support: Be available to help with technology issues or to discuss the learning material.

  8. Reflect on the Day: At the end of the day, talk with your child about what they learned and any highlights or challenges they experienced.


By following these guidelines, you can help ensure that the unexpected shift to remote learning is productive and stress-free.
