Parents » Homework Policy 

Homework Policy 

 We at Jacob H. Schiff Elementary School affirm the belief that homework enhances classroom instruction and contributes to a student's overall educational experience. The quantity of time committed to studying correlates with performance in a subject, as supported by academic research. In addition, homework affords pupils the chance to acquire personal responsibility and study skills, such as organization, independence, and time management. Finally, homework tells parents about their student's present areas of study and work levels.
Objectives of Homework
The purpose of homework includes the following:
  • Previewing: Provide historical context for upcoming classes and units of study
  • Practice: Provide chances for the development of concepts and skills
  • Application: Extend classroom learning and/or offer application experience for previously acquired concepts and provide opportunity to find and utilize community resources, such as the library, the Internet, reference books
  • Enrichment: Offer extension opportunities 
Guidelines and Procedures 
  • Homework will be assigned daily.
  • Below are the times, on average, that students should spend on homework and independent reading each night: 



Independent Reading

Grades K & 1

20-30 minutes/night

10 to 15 minutes/night

Grades 2 & 3

30-40 minutes/night

20-30 minutes/night

Grades 4 & 5

40-50 minutes/night

30-40 minutes/night

  • Homework will not be assigned on designated religious holidays or when students will be absent due to religious observances.
  • Students may make up assignments missed due to excused absences within 48-72 hours
Evaluation and Grading 
Homework is used to assess student learning. Academic grades will not be significantly influenced by homework. In most cases, homework completion will be included on the learning skills portion of the report card. Extensive practice and feedback on highlighted skills or concepts will be provided by the teacher.
Teachers’ Responsibility
  • Communicate classroom policies and procedures to students and parents in September.
  • Communicate due dates and directions for completing each homework assignment to students’ and parents.
  • Provide homework assignments that are directly related to instructional objectives taking into account the differences among students so that it can be completed independently.
  • Provide opportunities for students to ask questions and receive clarification of expectations when the assignment is given.
  • Review and provide feedback to students. This feedback may include self-evaluation and/or tracking of progress, peer feedback, or teacher comments.
  • Seek feedback from students and parents regarding the level of assistance needed to complete homework assignments as needed
Students’ Responsibility
  • Ensure that you comprehend the homework when it is assigned.
  • Ask for help when needed.
  • Complete the assigned homework neatly and hand assignments in on time.
  • Review homework with parents. 
Parents’ Responsibility
To help children be successful with work at home, parents can:
  • Create a place that supports studying. Most children do best in quiet, well-lit environments.
  • Set aside a specific time to do homework each day. Family routines, including set homework times, have been linked to higher achievement.
  • Ensure that students have the necessary materials to complete their assignments.
  • Be available if children have questions. Parents can support their children by looking over homework and giving suggestions but should not do the homework for them.
  • Let teachers know if homework assignments were not completed. Please feel free to write the teacher a note.
  • Monitor assignment completion using student planners or other established classroom procedures.
  • Sign your child’s homework daily.
We value your engagement and are looking forward to partnering with you in your child’s education. 
In Unity,