Parents » Improving School Attendance

Improving School Attendance

Improving school attendance is crucial for academic success and social development. Here are some strategies to share with parents to support consistent attendance:


1. Establish a Routine

  • Set a Regular Sleep Schedule: Ensure children get enough rest to feel alert and ready for school.
  • Morning Preparation: Pack bags, lay out clothes, and prepare lunches the night before to reduce morning stress.
  • Consistent Wake-Up Time: Start the day early enough to avoid rushing.

2. Communicate the Importance of Attendance

  • Highlight Benefits: Explain how regular attendance contributes to learning, friendships, and long-term success.
  • Discuss Consequences: Share how absences can lead to missed opportunities, difficulty catching up, and lower performance.

3. Address Barriers

  • Transportation: Help arrange carpooling, school bus routes, or walking groups if transportation is an issue.
  • Health Concerns: Work with the school nurse or local clinics to manage chronic health problems.
  • School Anxiety: Address fears or bullying concerns by speaking with teachers or school counselors.

4. Build a Positive School Connection

  • Stay Engaged: Attend parent-teacher conferences and school events to stay informed and involved.
  • Encourage Friendships: Foster relationships with classmates to make school more enjoyable for the child.

5. Create a Reward System

  • Set Goals: Offer small incentives for good attendance, such as a favorite activity or treat.
  • Celebrate Milestones: Recognize improvements, such as attending every day for a week or month.

6. Model the Right Attitude

  • Show Commitment: Value education by prioritizing school over non-essential activities.
  • Positive Talk: Speak enthusiastically about school and learning.

7. Use School Resources

  • Ask for Help: Schools often have attendance officers, social workers, or community programs to support families in improving attendance.
  • Tutoring and Support: If a child struggles academically, connect with the school for extra help to boost confidence.

8. Limit Avoidable Absences

  • Schedule Appointments Wisely: Arrange medical or dental visits outside school hours whenever possible.
  • Vacations During Breaks: Plan family trips during school holidays.

9. Set Realistic Expectations

  • Flexibility During Emergencies: Allow for absences only when absolutely necessary, like for illness.
  • Plan for Make-Up Work: Help the child stay on top of assignments after an unavoidable absence.

10. Collaborate with the School

  • Stay Informed: Keep up with attendance policies and communicate with teachers about any challenges.
  • Early Intervention: Alert the school immediately if attendance becomes an issue to work together on a solution.


Encouraging regular attendance involves a partnership between parents and schools. Offering support and resources ensures students have the best chance at success.