About Us » About Us

About Us



At PS192, we embrace the concept of Infinite Potential, a powerful and transformative philosophy that views every student's capabilities as limitless skies waiting to be explored. It is our steadfast belief that with unwavering commitment, enduring grit, and a zest for discovery, every young mind can stretch its wings of talent and intellect to soar beyond the imaginable. Our educational ethos is rooted in the idea that every challenge is a catalyst for achievement, a chance to ascend to new heights of knowledge and proficiency.


Infinite Potential is the guiding star of our school, illuminating a path where students are emboldened to dream without boundaries and pursue a voyage of continuous learning and self-improvement. It is here, within the nurturing halls of PS192, that we ignite the spark of curiosity and fan the flames of possibility, forging a future replete with endless opportunities for each and every child.



To provide a welcoming, safe, resourceful, and nurturing environment that supports our school community's academic and social-emotional development where children are respected and engaged in challenging curricula that motivate them to realize their potential as active, lifelong learners. Through our guiding core values of Justice, Honor, and Self-discipline, we aspire to promote perseverance, love, empathy, and respect for oneself and others.



To ensure all students acquire the essential knowledge and skills they need to become independent thinkers and become active participants and contributors in their roles as students and as members of society.


School Motto 
"Good, better, best. Never let it rest until your good is better, and your better is best." 
St. Jerome